Day Twenty-Eight – Sanctuary


I am awake, I am alive, and as I sip my morning coffee, I give thanks for sanctuary, teachings and my Mom.

“Build sanctuary” she would say.

“It’s your job as the woman of the house. Build sanctuary – a place where your family are safe and free to truly be themselves. A place where fears can be acknowledged, shared, and conquered. A place that invokes a sigh upon entrance and a longing to return each time you must leave. Build sanctuary.”

On this, my 28th day in self isolation, I give thanks for the wisdom of my mother, for the timelessness of teachings, and for the peace I so enjoy here in sanctuary. Stay inside? Sure! No problem at all! For here I am surrounded by love and memories and comfort, just as my Mama taught me.

Here in sanctuary, I can sing and no one cares if it is off-key, like a thousand songs sang on Sundays in my Mother’s living room. Here I can dance, as we did in her home, often and enthusiastically. Here I can think. Here I can cry. Here I can write. Here I can be, in this place my Mama taught me to build.

So on this day, although I may miss my family and friends, I do not wish to see them. Rather I simply hope and wish and pray that they too are now enjoying the sanctuaries they have built. Because we all need and deserve a place of peace, a place where we truly feel at home and free.

I love you my friend. Today and every day I pray, pray that you are happy in sanctuary.


Be well. Be safe. Stay home.
I love you! Hugssssssss