Day Twenty-Six – Planting “Futures”


I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am smiling as I once again settle into my “new” morning routine.

Because if there is one thing this life has taught me, it is that as humans, we can get use to almost anything. The challenge, of course, is choosing wisely when it comes to deciding what it is we are willing to allow ourselves to get use to.

This period of self isolation and fear is no different. Yes, this period should be guided by kindness and self-care, but never in my humble opinion, should we lose sight of the time-tested truth – that what we do today will decide our future.

So yes, I have done a lazy day or two but being a person who QUICKLY latches on to routine, I knew THAT could not continue. Same with a day or two of binge/junk food eating. Same with lack of exercise and on and on and on …

Back on March 22nd, I made a promise to myself, to Creator, to anyone who cared to read the post. I promised that I was coming out of this wiser, stronger, healthier and happier and I have not wavered from my commitment to those results.

So this is me, continuing with my daily reading (wiser). This is me, making decisions that support ideals not whims (stronger). This is me enjoying the physical results of my daily exercise (healthier). This is me … happier because I still believe in my future.

Truth be told, some days we have to focus on getting through the day and if that is where you are at today, that is okay. Get through today. But remember days add up.

Some are focused on “getting through this”, staying safe and healthy and that is good too.

But this woman is focused on who I will be and what I will have to offer the world AFTER this is done. Truth be told, I already know the results of my planting. My garden will be full for I will be reaping the rewards of my hard work – I will be wiser, stronger, healthier and happier.

The journey continues …

Remember my friend, the pandemic isn’t an excuse to give up. Rest if need be. Grieve if need be but then … get planting.

