Day 29 – WorkBoots

I am awake, I am alive, and yesterday, as I was sharing my morning blog post on social media, it came to me …

I need me some workboots.

Not to wear. I do not envy the manual labour my parents performed in bitter cold and summer heat just to feed us. But I do and did admire that no matter how hard they worked, their respective smiles did not disappear. Minus or plus 40 degrees did not have the power to erase their love of life, their gratitude for the work that allowed them to provide for their children, or the sheer joy they felt in living every single day.

I need me some workboots.

Not to wear but to sit on the edge of my desk, to serve as a reminder on the days that I don’t get the contract, on the days when one too many bills arrive, on the days when I just want to throw in the towel and scream to the heavens … that I am an incredibly lucky woman, working from home, living a dream, with no time clock or workboots required.

Yes, I need me some workboots.

I love you

#ibelieveinyou #ibelieveinme #icreatesafespace #celebrateandsurvive #repairingfeathers