Day 63 – The Paths We Walk

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning as I take note of the day … I cannot help but think of all the paths we take – the ones we were never meant to take, the ones we were only meant to walk for a short time, and the ones that take us a lifetime to find.

I was never meant to have my father walk me down the aisle. Gone when I was only 17, I was left lost, confused and hurting. I was Daddy’s little girl after all. How could life possibly go on without my lead cheerleader?

So when a man asked me to be his wife, I did not hesitate. Naively, I thought a simple “Yes” would guarantee a relationship like my parents had enjoyed, that acceptance would mean I was important again, important to this man I had known for a whole 10 days.

Six months later, 37 years ago on this very day, my “Yes” morphed into “I Do”. This path I was not meant to walk for long but I did walk it long enough to produce 3 amazing humans. One of them was meant to live and love in heaven but the other two continue to bless this earth every day with their presence.

Years later, I finally found the path I was meant to be on, the path I continue to enjoy to this very day. But first came heartache and bad jobs, confusion and doubt, and some of the darkest days of my life. But then, isn’t it always the darkest just before dawn?

Thirty-seven years ago today, I took my first path, my first chosen path, my first path as an adult. It didn’t last but there are definitely no regrets.

But this day leaves me wondering, what path are YOU on my friend?

I love you!

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