Leaving Canada Better Than I Found It
I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am just grateful …
– Grateful for a Mom who taught me to build my own wisdom rather than being dependent on others for theirs.
– Grateful for a life of challenges that allowed me to build my strength and resilence.
– Grateful for amazing friends who believed in me until I could (and afterwards too).
– Grateful for every listener, follower, friend, fan and person I have yet to meet.
Why? Because every single one of those allows me the opportunity to be part of the solution. With my wisdom, I can guide and support. With my resilence, I can recover from attack and the condemnation of those who have yet to see the value of an Indigenous worldview. With my friends, I recharge and rejuvenate and with my listeners, followers, friends and fans … I love, every single day.
So thank you for being my fuel, my reason for getting up in the morning, my joy, my challenge, my everything because I was taught to leave things better than you found them.
For me, that means the people I meet and Canada.
Here’s hoping I add to your world at least as much as you add to mine.
I love you!