Day Forty-Seven – New & Improved


I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am just so utterly grateful …

Thank you Creator, as always, thank you for the push.

Like those first few minutes, hours, days after a loved one passes or a relationship ends, the first few days experiencing the reality of social isolation and social distancing were scary af.

But for me, the reality of my life that literally brought me to my knees like so many times before, also triggered a response I have used before, one that has proven to be very helpful. One that has been my salvation.

I simply asked the questions:

“What do I have left?”
“What CAN I do now?”

The questions invoked the answer I needed, a reminder that I TEACH others that they have the power to stand again after a fall, that each time we get knocked down we get up faster if only we can remember … we have stood up before.

I took this time as a test, a challenge, an opportunity to “practice what I preach”. Once again, I saw the chance to be an example, to be one of the many who stand again to show others it is possible.

The result – a life that will, in time, be far superior to the one I had before. With revenue slowly beginning to come in from online sources and the revenue that will return from in-person gigs once the threat has passed, I will end up with a life that affords me more time for living and loving as less will be required for traveling and working.

And this time has shown me, I need that change.

So this is me, savouring a coffee and a slower morning cuz I can! This is me, thankful that Creator forced me to “do things differently” because now I can see I so needed to.

The journey continues.

What do you have left my friend?

What CAN you do?

Positive or negative, like any other life experience, the lens you look through is always your choice and I pray you find your rose-coloured pair.

